Synonyms Stones can have many aliases. This is due to language differences, supplier choice, coloquial trends or slang, or sometimes errors and ambiguity between rocks. Read more here. |
Bianco/Branco/White Carrara, Carrera(sic) |
Category Commercial classification sometimes differs to the scientific, geological designation. In particular, some limestones are deemed marble especially if they take a high polish. Read more here. |
Marble |
Petrographic assignment | Metamorphite – Marble |
Age | 140 million years (Jurassic period) |
Colouring minerals: | White calcite, grey-black graphite |
Average hardness MOHS is the standard scale of hardness for minerals 1-10, with 10 being the MOHS of diamond. We also use the broad terms Hard and Soft for simplicity. Read more here. |
3 (Soft) |
Origin | Italy – Apuan Alps (Carrara) |
A classic marble used throughout domestic and commercial projects.
Variety of brightness and character/structure grades.
Also available in standard tile formats.
Petrology:White-grey marble with a homogeneous crystalline structure of grain size around 0.5 mm, ideal for polishing. Grey veins, marks and clouds of graphite decorate the stone throughout. Small pores (Tarolli), formed by gas bubbles are possible on the polished surface. Also fine fault cracks are common and characterise the appearance. There are over 1000 quarries in the Apuan mountains producing Carrara of different brightness grades and structure.
Petrogenesis:Created through the metamorphosis of limestone, itself formed from animal and vegetable remains. As a result of tectonic activities, the limestone massif reached great depths, the resulting heat and pressure of which re-crystallised it to marble over millions of years.
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