Nero Marquina

Stones can have many aliases. This is due to language differences, supplier choice, coloquial trends or slang, or sometimes errors and ambiguity between rocks. Read more here.
Black Marquina, Negro Bilbao, Spanisch Schwarz
Commercial classification sometimes differs to the scientific, geological designation. In particular, some limestones are deemed marble especially if they take a high polish. Read more here.
Petrographic assignment Sedimentary limestone
Age 330 million years (Carbonic)
Colouring minerals: White calcite coloured black by bitumen
Average hardness
MOHS is the standard scale of hardness for minerals 1-10, with 10 being the MOHS of diamond. We also use the broad terms Hard and Soft for simplicity. Read more here.
3-4 (Soft)
Origin Spain


The images of each stone aim to give a faithful representation of the structure and colouring. The close-ups are generally taken from a sample around 100mm in height to get the detailing of the grain and crystals. The slab images are usually between 2000x1000mm and 3000x1900mm approximately, to give a more overall picture of the pattern. This is for guidance only, when seeking a specific pattern and colour matching, please obtain a sample or arrange for the slab to be viewed in person. When placing the order, you may require a photo of the actual slab before production, the colour and character can vary significantly even throughout the same block within natural materials. Also monitor calibration, camera settings and lighting can all effect how the materials are perceived.

A black limestone of the Carboniferous period with white calcite veins and fossil fragments (rudistes and corals), found north of Bilbao/Marquina in Spain
Called a marble commercially as it takes a high polish.

Popular and typical usage

Shower Trays:70%

Bathroom Surfaces:85%


Also available in standard tile formats.

Petrology:Dense black limestone crossed irregularly by white calcite veins. Different wide cracks were generated by tectonic faults, filled by circulating solutions in the form of calcite. As the pigments (Organic carbon) did not dissolve, the veins remained white and formed an extreme colour contrast. Fossils fractures are no longer visible. Nero Marquina belongs to the bituminous lime as it contains black minerals like carbon or bitumen (Generated from sludge).

Petrogenesis:Black limestone was generated in estuaries of the sea near the coast (brackish water area) with bad ventilation but with a large growth of plants and plankton. Dead plants and animals did not decompose due to the low oxygen content but were covered by clay and lime sediments. Bituminous materials were generated under pressure and high temperatures causing the black colouring of the rock. In the case of extreme enrichment of such organic material this geo-chemical process can lead to oil forming.

Wear Resistance
A high wear resistance will often mean a material is suitable for flooring and outdoors. Its is good for work surfaces as it will take some punishment before marking or losing its polish. Softer materials benefit from being re-worked more easily should the need arise. They can also more readily mature into their settings or be antiqued by design. People often overlook the less hard wearing stones for fear of maintenance and longevity issues. Whilst there are some valid concerns there is no rule for everyone, choose first what you like then decide on the practicality of the options. Some people appreciate the maturation and the patina taken on by some natural materials, others prefer a pristine look that will change little over time.
Every natural stone has a degree of water absorption. Sealing products exist to stop water ingress and protect against staining, but some stones are more susceptible than others. A highly polished surface is also more resistant to fluids than the rougher, more open surfaces of honed and brushed finishes. All spills should be wiped up in good time to prevent stains and marks.

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