White Rhino

Also known as: 
Stones can have many aliases. This is due to language differences, supplier choice, coloquial trends or slang, or sometimes errors and ambiguity between rocks. Read more here.
Bianco Rino
Commercial classification sometimes differs to the scientific, geological designation. In particular, some limestones are deemed marble especially if they take a high polish. Read more here.
Petrographic assignment Metamorphite – Marble
Colouring minerals:
Average hardness
MOHS is the standard scale of hardness for minerals 1-10, with 10 being the MOHS of diamond. We also use the broad terms Hard and Soft for simplicity. Read more here.
3 (Soft)
Origin Namibia
Price Group
Typically stones are graded into bands that give an indication of relative price; A, B, C, D and E. 'A' being the least and 'E' the most expensive. E is a very broad group as it can contain a stone many more times the cost of one which is only just out of the D group. It is nothing to do with quality, merely a guideline of cost, which can rise and fall over time. For the latest price on any stone please contact us.

White Rhino or Bianco Rino is a white marble from Namibia. It has subtle creamy veining and delicate patterns throughout. Ideal for bathrooms and other areas requiring a more understated stone than the more usual white and grey offerings.

ALSO SEE – Bianco Lasa


Projects –

The images of each stone aim to give a faithful representation of the structure and colouring. The close-ups are generally taken from a sample around 100mm in height to get the detailing of the grain and crystals. The slab images are usually between 2000x1000mm and 3000x1900mm approximately, to give a more overall picture of the pattern. This is for guidance only, when seeking a specific pattern and colour matching, please obtain a sample or arrange for the slab to be viewed in person. When placing the order, you may require a photo of the actual slab before production, the colour and character can vary significantly even throughout the same block within natural materials. Also monitor calibration, camera settings and lighting can all effect how the materials are perceived.
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